Yeah, the monster in the picture is facing some problems which I consider major because of the STUPID dealership we have here.
It only makes sense to make that assumption based upon the "small" history (1 year) I have had with them for that specific car.
A persistent problem that introduced it's self within the first few days of receiving the problem is still making them wonder what it is and kept them in a daze.
The problem it self doesn't re-occur every time which might be a problem for a normal person to actually know what it is, but a DAMN MECHANIC SHOULD !.
Now the car has passed its second week in the dealer's garage, dismantled gear puts it out of action.
They say that the parts for the fixing process arrive today. I only hope they actually fix the thing !!..
OF COURSE i did not just sit and watch them play with my car and be happy about it, I sent a complaint to GM and told then the story and that the gear was dismantled twice with the car barley reaching a year since i got to drive it with 20k km on the meter !!.. This worries me ALOT !!..
They assured me that they will keep track of the problem and if it doesn't get fixed this time, they would send an expert team to check it out and deal with it.