Thursday, 11 December 2008

Finaly breaking for Xmas

Well .. i guess today is the last day of worrying about work to hand in ... Its been a really really hectic week for me, I had 2 exams and 1 V.long CW to hand in ... and there was a BIG twist to it all !!!

The initial plan was that I finish my CW today and hand it in today and try to go back to kuwait tomorow .. on Tuestday .. i was studying for my spanish listening exam .. while i was studying .. i texted a friend about what i was planning on doing .. and i got a text back saying " You know that the hand in day is today rite ?"... I almost got a heart attack .. Turns out .. its week 12 !!! at the date is the 9th.. thats what was written .. i picked up 12 and assumed its the 12th dec. which was friday ..

So the stress doubles .. i done GREAT to be honest in my listening exam ... had a spanish speaking exam the following day.. which was pretty much the worst exam EVER !!!... we were a group .. i started the talking .. and suddenly the guys get really stressed and start to say stuff that dont make sense .. i was looking at the tutor smiling and she was smiling bk .. i tried my best to keep them in line and keep the convo going but it kept going worse and worse .. so before the end .. The last question was "Do you like english chicks" asked by on of the guys .. one of the guy says " yes, but i prefer Spanish chicks" Veronica (the tutor"spanish" and HOT :P) she was on the verge of bursting with laughter.. tosses the question back .. then it was shifted to me .. i was like .. "mmmm no me gusta inglesas chicas" this was when the tape had to stop and everyone was laughing their ass off :P .. it was funny in way i couldnt explain :P spanish jibirish i guess ;p .. BUT it was also the worst exam .. i think we got the worst mark between all the groups !! AaaaaaaaaaaaHHH lesson learned i guess .. anyhoo .. i break up after that .. head to the library AGAIN (was there from the morning) start working on my CW to hand it in that night .. i finish it .. not sure how well i did though cause i was rushing through .. THEN i drive 30 mins to my campus to hand it in.. then what happens ? THE HAND IN POINT WAS CLOSED !!! .. i swear to god i got so mad !! i was thinking of running over these 2 chicks that were dressed like santas elves with mini skirts and going to party... anyway I send the DR an email explaining that i tried to hand it in and sent a soft copy .. and today i handed in a hard copy which i didnt date stamp for some stupid reason .. i guess i was hoping to get the 5% deduction because of the day .. not 10% because it was 2 days late ..

ONE last thing .. I was hoping on getting on a plane tomorow to kuwait .. but Im still waiting for an order to be delivered .. and because of the gates for this place .. no one without keys can get through .. i stuck a note with my # on the gate with my fingers crossed that the delivery guys still dnt come .. but i think he did and he didnt even leave a CARD for me to call .. well .. its all turning out to be shittier then shit... I guess i should be back home by sunday if everything doesnt get even crappier than it is rite now ..

AaaaaaaaaaHHHH .. ala kareeem ;/


Um-Manaf said...

good luck with all that...where are you off too? ;p (7adi malgoofa lol)

Ruby Woo said...

7azat il 7azza, the world turns against you. So typical when that happens, and things are left for the last minute, it's always like that ;p

Diablo said...

Um-Manaf ...

Shouldve been off to Barcelona !! but then plans changed and its off to kuwait .. and the stupid part is that the family stuff are canceled :D oo im missing what wouldve been HISTORY !! a5aaaiH :P

Ruby Woo ...

Ee wala .. plans never seems to take place when it comes to these stuff .. bas ya3ni i still have loads of work to be done but for atleast 2 weeks .. im not gonna think about it !