Thursday, 22 January 2009

American MUSCLE !!!

Dont know how to put the vid directly Sorrrryyyyyyyy :D



Um-Manaf said...

ma7eb american muscle cars.

your 18 - 20 yrs?? ;p i have a theory that guys in that age ihiboon ib muscle cars ;p

Diablo said...

No me older :P ..

And im a Cadillac lover ;p ..

oo american muscles ARE FUN to drive .. i got a vid that shows how much i enjoy it BUT i cant share it unfortunatley hehehe ;p ..

oo its got nuthing to do with age .. ya3ni i've been crazy about cars as far back as my memo goes .. oo i love muscle cars but their not the top of my list.. at the very top is a car that i shall post about later :D

Um-Manaf said...

ya3ni my theory 6ala3 kharboo6a ha ;p .... yala 3aaad khal enshoof il vid!

Diablo said...

a video of me driving really fast ;p ?? here ;p ?? i dont think so :P

Um-Manaf said...

loool etha bloggik ma efthi7ik mino ebyifthi7ik ;)

Ruby Woo said...

I don't obsess about cars, but two things I adore in life: 1) Muscle cars 2) Classic cars

shamma aldabal said...

dude the car is HOT !