It tastes better when its achieved harder
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
Sunday, 26 April 2009
After meeting with my supervisor last WED. My aim was changed to drooping what im doing and focusing on the MAIN topic in the project only for the time being.
She stressed that I NEEDED TO APPLY FOR AN EXTENSION because the time frame i have is just too tight AND the fact that i have other exams and course works withing that time frame just makes it even WORSE..
So my mission was to produce 2 tables for TOMORROW that have 12 articles each, one with the methods and the other one with the results. So i went on searching for 12 articles thinking how hard could that be !!... well, given what im trying to search for APPARENTLY its HARD TO FIND RELEVANT ARTICLES THAT ARE STRAIGHT TO THE POINT !!.. But i managed to find some ... so i was happy .. until i figured out that a bunch of them just don't exist !! ( I got the titles only then later i tried to get the full articles ).. and then some other ones were the exact same study but published in different forms !! WTF !!!!
So i was like okay no problem .. i'll just go through what i have for the time being and then get some more ...
As i'm reading along, all the sudden things change from being SIGNIFICANT !!... to NOT SIGNIFICANT !!... Every F$%^%$& article has a F$%^&*! different opinion and finding !!!.... im just totally and utterly LOST !!!... i just have to lie about what i think because i lost what it is i had my mind set to :S
She stressed that I NEEDED TO APPLY FOR AN EXTENSION because the time frame i have is just too tight AND the fact that i have other exams and course works withing that time frame just makes it even WORSE..
So my mission was to produce 2 tables for TOMORROW that have 12 articles each, one with the methods and the other one with the results. So i went on searching for 12 articles thinking how hard could that be !!... well, given what im trying to search for APPARENTLY its HARD TO FIND RELEVANT ARTICLES THAT ARE STRAIGHT TO THE POINT !!.. But i managed to find some ... so i was happy .. until i figured out that a bunch of them just don't exist !! ( I got the titles only then later i tried to get the full articles ).. and then some other ones were the exact same study but published in different forms !! WTF !!!!
So i was like okay no problem .. i'll just go through what i have for the time being and then get some more ...
As i'm reading along, all the sudden things change from being SIGNIFICANT !!... to NOT SIGNIFICANT !!... Every F$%^%$& article has a F$%^&*! different opinion and finding !!!.... im just totally and utterly LOST !!!... i just have to lie about what i think because i lost what it is i had my mind set to :S
Sunday, 19 April 2009
4 Weeks .. Count down
Yeah its been 4 weeks for me here in kuwait .. well, it felt like 4 days ..
I'm so going to miss this place.. family and friends all around ... this last week was the worst .. since i didnt do much intending to study .. but i didnt study as much as i hoped for .. or in other words (Write my thesis) to be exact... I just went to that restaurant (altimissmo?) the one in burj inassar ... it wasnt bad .. but it felt like a place were you should go with a lady not 4 guys who are (fa9leeen)...
in approximatley 8 - 10 hours i'll be touching down in london enshala .. then go pick my car up from a friends place and head back to my city from there .. its going to be a long one, since i havent had much sleep !!...
The plan is to CAMP in the library this week .. starting off tomorow.. if i got enough sleep and everything .. other wise tuesday would be the DAY !!.. its going to be hectic, tough and FAST... i hope i keep up !! ..
Good luck to everyone who has work exam etc.. to do ..
I realized something .. I can do it .. i just need to be in the mood .. if i get in the mood .. i wont say i'll get it 100% .. but ill get a mark that would satisfy me since it would be last minute work !!
Allrightyyyy people .. see you from the other side of the world...
Ciaooo xx
I'm so going to miss this place.. family and friends all around ... this last week was the worst .. since i didnt do much intending to study .. but i didnt study as much as i hoped for .. or in other words (Write my thesis) to be exact... I just went to that restaurant (altimissmo?) the one in burj inassar ... it wasnt bad .. but it felt like a place were you should go with a lady not 4 guys who are (fa9leeen)...
in approximatley 8 - 10 hours i'll be touching down in london enshala .. then go pick my car up from a friends place and head back to my city from there .. its going to be a long one, since i havent had much sleep !!...
The plan is to CAMP in the library this week .. starting off tomorow.. if i got enough sleep and everything .. other wise tuesday would be the DAY !!.. its going to be hectic, tough and FAST... i hope i keep up !! ..
Good luck to everyone who has work exam etc.. to do ..
I realized something .. I can do it .. i just need to be in the mood .. if i get in the mood .. i wont say i'll get it 100% .. but ill get a mark that would satisfy me since it would be last minute work !!
Allrightyyyy people .. see you from the other side of the world...
Ciaooo xx
Sunday, 12 April 2009
3 Weeks .. Race against time
One more week left to go .. so much work need to be done ..
I went for a long drive @ 12.45 am .. I wasn't at my best of states.. i have just felt the tremendous amount of pressure i will be going through till my last exam.. so i decided to shake it off abit by going for a drive and thinking of what im going to do ..
I set off by heading to ilbidi3 setting the cruise on 60 lowering the seat back and following the coast line till Sharq with some music in the background.. I went to 9ul6an .. bought me a Frappacino and a pack of cigs .. and went to the "massana" (fishing deck ? i donnu) i had my cold coffee and my Cigs lit !!.. as i gazed at kuwait city .. i said to my self ... "Damn im gonna miss this country.. (even though its just for around 2 months or so)" .. Then I realized.. If i dont pull through now .. it might be another yr on my sentence abroad .. which i wouldn't tolerate unless its for a masters degree...
There were some noisy people fishing there so i took off again .. headed back on Gulf street and decided to swing and get a drink (imbara6or) from shari3 il ma6a3im... and then back again headed toward 2nd ring road .. The whole time .. I was averaging 60 and then on my way back home .. i decided to set it to Sports mode and take the traction control off and head back home with abit of fun !! .. as i was cutting my way through smoothly in the near empty street at 2.40am .. under the bridge and then left ... i was going fast .. the car was screaming .. and i see police lights in front of me .. so i slow down .. roll down the window get my license and have my fingers crossed hoping they didnt hear me or see me speeding .. my windows are abit tinted .. thats a scare of being pulled off since they say even 0% tint is illegal god knows why .. i got the the police officer .. and i didnt even have to make a complete stop .. he just looked inside .. probably didnt notice the tinted windows cause from the inside it looks normal .. and told me go ahead ... I continued my race back home ... decided i wanted to wake up really early !! like 7 7.30 AM early .. so i set my alarm ..
I didnt really wake up that time .. because i technically slept after 3am maybe 3.30 .. and believe me that is not enough sleep !! but i managed to pull out of bed at 8.30ish .. took me a warm shower .. set me a place to start working properly .. had my breakfast .. but i think im going back to sleep because im really tired ;/ ..
BUT wish me luck people .. im hoping to produce a minimum of 1000 words a day towards 10,000 in total .. hoping id do 2k a day to be honest ...
Might be away for some time if I didnt get to a good start ...
Yall take care
Ciao xx
I went for a long drive @ 12.45 am .. I wasn't at my best of states.. i have just felt the tremendous amount of pressure i will be going through till my last exam.. so i decided to shake it off abit by going for a drive and thinking of what im going to do ..
I set off by heading to ilbidi3 setting the cruise on 60 lowering the seat back and following the coast line till Sharq with some music in the background.. I went to 9ul6an .. bought me a Frappacino and a pack of cigs .. and went to the "massana" (fishing deck ? i donnu) i had my cold coffee and my Cigs lit !!.. as i gazed at kuwait city .. i said to my self ... "Damn im gonna miss this country.. (even though its just for around 2 months or so)" .. Then I realized.. If i dont pull through now .. it might be another yr on my sentence abroad .. which i wouldn't tolerate unless its for a masters degree...
There were some noisy people fishing there so i took off again .. headed back on Gulf street and decided to swing and get a drink (imbara6or) from shari3 il ma6a3im... and then back again headed toward 2nd ring road .. The whole time .. I was averaging 60 and then on my way back home .. i decided to set it to Sports mode and take the traction control off and head back home with abit of fun !! .. as i was cutting my way through smoothly in the near empty street at 2.40am .. under the bridge and then left ... i was going fast .. the car was screaming .. and i see police lights in front of me .. so i slow down .. roll down the window get my license and have my fingers crossed hoping they didnt hear me or see me speeding .. my windows are abit tinted .. thats a scare of being pulled off since they say even 0% tint is illegal god knows why .. i got the the police officer .. and i didnt even have to make a complete stop .. he just looked inside .. probably didnt notice the tinted windows cause from the inside it looks normal .. and told me go ahead ... I continued my race back home ... decided i wanted to wake up really early !! like 7 7.30 AM early .. so i set my alarm ..
I didnt really wake up that time .. because i technically slept after 3am maybe 3.30 .. and believe me that is not enough sleep !! but i managed to pull out of bed at 8.30ish .. took me a warm shower .. set me a place to start working properly .. had my breakfast .. but i think im going back to sleep because im really tired ;/ ..
BUT wish me luck people .. im hoping to produce a minimum of 1000 words a day towards 10,000 in total .. hoping id do 2k a day to be honest ...
Might be away for some time if I didnt get to a good start ...
Yall take care
Ciao xx
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
Monday, 6 April 2009
2 weeks.. RED ALERT

Well .. this past week there was nuthing interesting .. didnt even play football !! ...
Im playing in 2 hours tho hahaha ...
I done LITTLE progress towards my project ... not much tho .. SO IM WORRIED ALOT ... but although im worried alot .. im still not managing to do some proper work .. the plans are in my head .. and they're perfect if i execute them !! ..
I read an article today .. im might manage to squeez one more then off to footy and dewaniya after that .. ANOTHER DAY WASTED !! ...
YESTERDAY .. was the day i was going to start properly .. untill i got a CALL for my dad saying that fee "5i6ar" oo there is that guy that he wanted me to keep company .. they're from the UK .. hahaha i was like okay no probs...
its was his first time here .. and he was just amazed by what i showed him and he actualy said I WANT TO COME LIVE HERE ITS HEAVEN hahahahaha .. I was like "yeah i know man .. i live in the UK too hehehehe" .. the guy was consedering moving to the middle east and working here since their firm mainly deals with middle-east ( IT solutions ) they want to establish a branch or something here and he's seriously considering it ;p ..
AnyWayyyy !! .. I HAVE TO STUDY the clock is TICKING WALA !!!
Yeah .. I might go to Malaga for 2 days with POPS :$ ... hahahaha 7adi rahi 9a7 ? machina my project is due in a month or less :P
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